On Episode 17, Chris Horkins fills us in on the hottest issues in franchise law!
Topics: a franchisor’s obligation to protect brand strength; application of good faith obligations and when courts will blue-pencil contractual agreements.
On Episode 17, Chris Horkins fills us in on the hottest issues in franchise law!
Topics: a franchisor’s obligation to protect brand strength; application of good faith obligations and when courts will blue-pencil contractual agreements.
On Episode 16, we’re speaking with Scott Maidment, one of the top 30 product liability lawyers in the world!
Topics include: vicarious motor vehicle liability; class action certification; and summary trial procedures.
This week, we’re talking family law with Heather Hansen, a partner with Martha McCarthy & Company in Toronto.
Topics include: social media in family, grandparents’ roles in access and custody, and secret recordings in family recordings.
This week, I’m joined by renowned trial and appeal lawyer, Faisal Mirza, to discuss the ins and outs of criminal law.
Topics include: mandatory minimum sentences for drug offences, extrinsic information in the jury room, and the fallout of Bill C-51.
We’re changing things up and discussing charity and non-profit lawyer with charity lawyer and blogger, Mark Blumberg!
Topics include: best practices for international charities , cracking down on charity fraud, and how to start a philanthropic project.
It’s privacy law with information governance expert and past Chair of the Sedona Canada Working Group, Susan Wortzman!
Topics include: personal information collection, the right to be forgotten and the legal side of cybersecurity
At long last, this is the Season 2 Premiere! We kick off the new year with human rights lawyer and former LSO Bencher, Raj Anand.
Topics include: conflicts with religious rights, family status discrimination and the issue estoppel.
It’s the season finale and Episode 10 of Lawyered! We sit down with intellectual property lawyer, Geoff Mowatt.
Topics include: e-cigarettes, biosimilar drugs and the promise of the patent.
On Episode 9 of Lawyered, we discuss the legal issues facing enterpreneurs, with social enterprise lawyer, Robert Wakulat.
Topics include: crowdfunding, non-profit corporations and social enterprises.
On Episode 8 of Lawyered, we’re speaking with animal rights lawyer, Camille Labchuck.
Topics include: animal charter rights, dog liability and “humane-washing”.