On this episode, we’re learning about special situations law with Walied Soliman, the Canadian chair of Norton Rose!
Topics: hostile takeovers; proxy battles; and other current trends in corporate law
On this episode, we’re learning about special situations law with Walied Soliman, the Canadian chair of Norton Rose!
Topics: hostile takeovers; proxy battles; and other current trends in corporate law
This week, we’re speaking about competition lawyer, Michael Osborne, about price-fixing, abuses of dominance and merger control
Topics: bread price-fixing; abuses of dominance cases; and mediated settlements with the Competition Bureau
On this episode, we’re speaking about commercial law with Monique Jilesen, one of the top 50 trial lawyers in the country!
Topics: third-party litigation funding; summary judgement procedures; the development of the duty of good faith.
This week, we chat about what’s making waves in the area of broadcasting law with Mark Lewis, a lawyer who has practised in this area for over five decades!
Topics: Super Bowl commercials; the Internet of Things; and online piracy vs. net neutrality.
This week, we’re running down the latest cases in the area of regulatory law with Gerald Chan, one of Canada’s leading practitioners in public law litigation.
Topics: digital privacy & text messages; litigation privilege; CBSA phone searches.
This week, we’re chatting about what’s generating conversation in the world of energy law with Lisa DeMarco, one of the world’s leading climate change lawyers.
Topics: National Energy Board reform; Fair Hydro Plan and ratepayer expectations; and engaging with First Nations groups for energy projects.
Season 4 takes off this week, as we chat with aviation lawyer, Bill Clark, about the legal issues about planes, jets and everything in the sky.
Topics: Passenger Bill of Rights; CRA policies on aircraft ownership; and cross-border country of origin rules.
To wrap up Season 3, we’re talking about education law with the outgoing OBA Section Chair, Tom McRae.
Topics: religious accommodations in schools, the ombudsman’s jurisdiction over school boards and changes to the disciplinary process for teachers
We’re getting global and chatting with international trade lawyer, Jessica Horwitz about the legal issues on Canada’s trade abroad.
Topics: trade remedies; Canada-EU trade agreement; and foreign corruption legislation.
On this week’s episode, we’re speaking with condominium lawyer Denise Lash about the legal topics facing the owners and managers of vertical communities.
Topics: AirBnB and short-term rentals; mandatory manager licensing; and the business judgement rule.