This week, we’re speaking about competition lawyer, Michael Osborne, about price-fixing, abuses of dominance and merger control
Topics: bread price-fixing; abuses of dominance cases; and mediated settlements with the Competition Bureau
Full Episode (36:10) Download
1. Price-Fixing in the Bread Industry (12:47) Download
– ‘Why the hell are they at $1.88?’: Inside the damning allegations of Canada’s bread price fixing scandal, Financial Post
– Bakers, grocers involved in 16-year price-fixing conspiracy: Competition Bureau, CTV News
2. Abuses of Dominance (12:42) Download
– Toronto Real Estate Board v. Commissioner of Competition, 2017 FCA 236
– Vancouver Airport Authority v. Commissioner of Competition, 2018 FCA 24
3. Mediated Settlements with the Competition Bureau (10:39) Download
– Competition Bureau statement regarding Parkland’s acquisition of Pioneer
About the Guest:
Michael Osborne is a partner in Cassel Brock’s Advocacy and Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment Groups.
Michael advises and defends clients in inquiries and proceedings commenced by the Competition Bureau, including criminal matters, abuse of dominance, and marketing and advertising matters. He defends clients in private proceedings under the Competition Act, including price fixing class actions.
Michael acts for and advises parties in a wide range of commercial disputes, including contractual disputes, shareholders’ disputes, commercial fraud, and employment matters. He also offers experience in a range of regulatory and white collar crime matters.
Michael has acted as trial and appellate counsel before all levels of court across the country, the Competition Tribunal and other administrative tribunals, and arbitral tribunals in international and domestic arbitrations, both institutional and ad hoc.
Michael is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a member of ICDR Canada’s roster of arbitrators.