On Episode 7 of Lawyered, we’re speaking with defamation lawyer, Mark Donald.
Topics include: online trolling, reputation damage, and a new court procedure to prevent legal scare tactics.
Full Episode (34:18) DOWNLOAD
1. Troll Face (12:35) DOWNLOAD
– Baglow v. Smith, 2015 ONSC 1175
2. OK, What’s the Damage? (11:30) DOWNLOAD
– Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155
3. SLAPP in the Face (12:25) DOWNLOAD
– Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2015
About the Guest:
Mark is a principal at Mark Donald Law Professional Corporation (formerly an associate with m-f law), and has experience in several practice areas including: corporate/commercial disputes, franchisee rights, defamation, fiduciary duties, professional discipline and bankruptcy/insolvency. He completed his articles at one of Toronto’s top boutique litigation firms and has appeared before the Superior Court of Ontario in bankruptcy and insurance coverage matters.
Mark is an avid writer with diverse legal interests. He has had articles published on subjects including online defamation, criminal procedure and the legal duties owed by investment advisors to their clients.
Mark’s Defamation Blog